Damar Gum
5 Benefits of burning Damar Gum as Incense
5 Benefits of burning Damar Gum as Incense – If you are looking for a new kind of incense to try out, Damar gum is a great choice. It is made from the resin that comes from trees in the Read more…
5 Benefits of burning Damar Gum as Incense – If you are looking for a new kind of incense to try out, Damar gum is a great choice. It is made from the resin that comes from trees in the Read more…
Natural Incense Damar Gum– We love to use incense and other natural products in our homes. Not only do they smell great, but they can also help purify the air and even give us some relaxation time! In this time, Read more…
Kemenyan Jawa – Siapa sih yang gak suka dengan ruangan yang wangi. Semua orang pasti suka dengan ruangan yang wangi apa lagi jika wanginya bersifat menenangkan dan menyehatkan. Kemenyan yang sering digunakan untuk wewangian adalah getah yang dihasilkan oleh pohon Read more…
Damar gum also protects against discoloration. You can use damar gum as an addition to your oil or alkyd-based paint. Damar gum is also used in paints as a binder for pigments. Damar gum is a 100% natural resin produced Read more…
How is Cat’s Eye Damar Gum (Damar Mata Kucing) Harvested? – The process is similar to the process of harvesting sap for maple syrup. To begin with, farmers must locate a suitable tree. Damar gum trees that are ready to Read more…
What is Cat’s Eye Damar (Damar Mata Kucing) and Where can I Find it? – The highest quality Damar gum is called Cat’s Eye Damar, also known as Damar Mata Kucing in the Indonesian language. “Damar resin,” “Damar sap,” and Read more…
There a six major reasons why Damar gum Mata Kucing is so valuable and expensive. Here are the reasons and an explanation for each: The first major reason Damar gum Mata Kucing is so valuable and expensive is (1) the Read more…
What You Should Know About Damar Gum – Damar gum is a natural resin that comes from the Shorea (Shorea robusta Gaertn) tree. Damar gum has been used for centuries as an additive in resins, paints, inks, adhesives, lacquers and Read more…
Benefits of Damar Gum You Must Know! – Damar Gum is an all regular item gotten from the sap of the Dipterocarpaceae group of trees. This tree family is found predominantly in Pesisir Barat Lampung, Sumatra – Indonesia. Damar Gum Read more…